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    9. 11. 2001

    On September 11th, 2001, Lt. Joseph G. Leavey, of Ladder Company 15 (FDNY) gave his life at the WTC attack. A well known Pelham resident, Joe left behind a wife and three children. The foundation was established in his honor and all proceeds benefit the children and community of Pelham.

    Share a story about Joe Leavey 

    Would you like to call in and share a story as a remembrance of Joe? To access the Call to Remember Archive please dial (866) 582-5613 (Toll Free) or (646) 248-6225 (Local). When connected, you will hear a recorded voice welcoming you to the service and explaining the recording process. You will then be asked to enter a 4-digit identification code for the person you are intending to remember. The Call to Remember ID for Joseph Gerard Leavey is: 2481. Please feel free to forward this option on to family members and friends who don't live in the New York area.

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    Leavey Foundation Helps Give Back To Pelham in Honor of Husband, Father

    A wonderful article about our Foundation and remembering Joe ten years later. Read more.

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      Response: edit my essay
      This foundation has done a great job, especially by providing scholarships for high school students and by providing funds for the library. There is no other better way to repay the community by providing it with literate individuals.

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